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     Akvārija filtri - tīram, higiēniskajam un laimīgajam akvārijam

Lai akvārijā uzturētu lielisku mikroklimatu un veselīgus iemītniekus, ūdens ir regulāri jātīra. Tas ir tāpēc, ka tajā uzkrājas pārtika, kā arī dzīvnieku ekskrementi un citi piesārņotāji. Tam nepieciešams akvārija filtrs, kas palielina ūdenī nonākošā skābekļa daudzumu un samazina organisko gružu piesārņojumu. jūs atradīsiet akvārija filtrēšanas sistēmas no šādiem ražotājiem: Aquaforest, ATI, AUTOAQUA, Maxspect, Nyos, Innovative Marine, Octo un citiem. Ja vēl aizvien nespējat izvēlēties vai nevarat atrast meklēto, vienmēr varat sazināties ar mums, izmantojot zemāk norādīto kontaktinformāciju, un mēs ar prieku sniegsim jums padomu un palīdzēsim. Akvāriji ir ne tikai mūsu darbs, bet arī hobijs un dzīvesveids. 

Model: A-FB7
Bez nodokļa:8.22€
Brand: BrightWell Aquatics Model: LAT-LRG250
 MicroBacter Lattice / LargeExtremely Porous Filtration Medium Designed to be Used in all Aquariums and Aquatic Systems for Bio-Filtration. OverviewHigh-porosity, inert biofiltration mediumProvides vast surface area, more than 7,500 square feet per literProvides aerobic and anoxic zones, i..
Bez nodokļa:7.36€
32mm Open Seam Pipe with Sponge
Model: 00516
32 mm Pipe with Transition and Built-in Sponge, suitable for various systemsThis 32 mm tube is the perfect choice for aquarium and water garden systems. It has a built-in sponge that helps maintain water quality by filtering out dirt and increasing biological filtration. The tube's built-in transiti..
Bez nodokļa:11.16€
Model: A-FAR1
White textile filter bag made of 100% polyamide imputrescible thread. Tiny in small mesh to contain resins micro-beads or any other filter media, very permeable and multi-capacity.Dimensions width x length = 10cm x 20cm.Made in France..
Bez nodokļa:4.88€
Model: A-K105
Adjustable filter bracket for filter bag to fixing at the sump.Adjustable in height, for easy fixing to any sump.Opening at the front, for easy replacement of the filter bag.For filter bag or micron bag with a diameter of 10.5 cm (4 inches).For glass or acrylic up to 15 mm thick..
Bez nodokļa:14.01€
Model: A-K178
Adjustable filter bracket for filter bag to fixing at the sump.Adjustable in height, for easy fixing to any sump.Opening at the front, for easy replacement of the filter bag.For filter bag or micron bag with a diameter of 17.8 cm (7 inches).For glass or acrylic up to 15 mm thick..
Bez nodokļa:19.79€
Brand: Aquaforest Model: Carbon 1000
 AF Carbon - active granulated carbon High quality granulated active carbon . Eliminates undesirable chemical compounds in marine and freshwater aquariums... Carbon should be placed in flow filters in 100 ml for 100 l (27 US gal.) of water ..
Bez nodokļa:11.20€
Brand: Aquaforest Model: Carbon 5000
 AF Carbon - active granulated carbon High quality granulated active carbon . Eliminates undesirable chemical compounds in marine and freshwater aquariums...   Carbon should be placed in flow filters in 100 ml for 100 l ..
Bez nodokļa:49.58€
Brand: Aquaforest Model: AF-CARBFW1000
    AF CARBON FW Steam-activated high quality carbon granulate. Due to the latest technology it doesn’t release phosphate into the water. Binds and removes undesired chemicals, thus improving the clarity of water . High porosity and a large adsorptio..
Bez nodokļa:6.53€
Brand: Aquaforest Model: AFMEDBAG
                AF Media bag  Af Media Bag is a durable mesh bag providing optimal water flow through media   ..
Bez nodokļa:5.74€
Brand: Aquaforest Model: Phos Minus 1000
     PHOSPHATE MINUS - filtration media PHOSPHATE MINUS - efficient media for fluidization filters for reduction of phosphates & silicates Too much food and supplements may be the cause of too high phosphate levels. Due to the unique technol..
Bez nodokļa:24.79€
Brand: Aquaforest Model: Phos Minus 5000
More info about the the product : CLICK HERE...
Bez nodokļa:107.36€
Rāda no 1 līdz 12 kopā 116 (Kopā lapu - 10)
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