Brand: PolypLab
Model: PolypLab Coral Primer SHOT
WHAT IS REEF PRIMER CORAL CONDTIIONER?:Reef primer will clean away: Zoanthid Eating NudibranchsMontipora Eating NudibranchsAcropora Eating FlatwormsBristelwormsZoanthid Eating SpidersRed FlatwormsFilamentous Hair AlgaeRapid Tissue Necrosis, Slow Tissue Necrosis, Bacterial Infections, and More.&..
Bez nodokļa:12.30€
Brand: PolypLab
Model: PolypLab genezės bakterijos (50ml)
PolypLab Genesis Bacteria (50ml)Bendradarbiaudami su biotechnologijomis užsiimančia Kanados įmone, mes sukūrėme bakterinį produktą, pritaikytą mūsų poreikiams. Tai bakterijų mišinys, kurio koncentracija viršija 80 milijardų / ml . Planktoninėje būsenoje šios bakterijos yra labai..
Bez nodokļa:23.10€
Brand: PolypLab
Model: PolypLab Medic Treatment, 30ml
PolypLab MEDIC Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwaterenvironments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against Marine Ich - Crytopocaryon Irritant as ..
Bez nodokļa:40.00€
Brand: PolypLab
Reef-Roids is a blend of naturally occurring marine planktons, which contains a species of zooplankton that is unique to our product. It is formulated to minimize water degradation and is ideal for Goniapora, Zoanthids, Mushrooms, and all other filter feeding corals. With continued use, your co..
Bez nodokļa:19.50€
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